Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wow I'm so behind on posting.....

Okay I have been SO bad at posting my recent sessions!  This post will be pretty picture heavy with a few of my sessions I've done recently.

But before that.....I really can not believe it's almost school time.  I've never really cared much about the fact that school was starting but more so that that meant it was going to start getting cold and dark early!  But now Noah, my oldest son, will be going to preschool.  Last night we went school shopping and he got a few new jeans and shirts along with a backpack.  I can tell you this much that this momma is going to have a hard time the first day of school.  He's always been with me, everyday.... now he's going to SCHOOL.  He is only going 1/2 days two days a week but my mothering nature kicks in and I worry about how he will do academically and socially.  But I guess at some point you have to let them go and now you've done your best =)


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